Who is God?

God is the name we give to the great creator who created the entire universe and gave life. And who still oversees and governs everything. God Himself was not created by anyone; He has existed forever and will continue to exist forever. God Himself determines Who He is; He is independent of everything and everyone.

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Who is Jesus?

Jesus Christ is the most unique person of all time. He has changed the course of history. Even our date indicates that He lived on this earth about 2,000 years ago.

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What is a Christian?

If you were raised Christian and your parents were faithful churchgoers, that's a good thing. But that doesn't make you a Christian. After all, if you go to the zoo regularly, that doesn’t automatically make you an animal either!

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How can I know if God loves me?

Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, so that who ever believes in him, should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).  That's how great God's love for you is, you don't need more proof. God sent His son Jesus to die for you on the cross and to give you eternal life.

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How can God tolerate suffering?

Many people walk around with this question. Also, people who say they do not believe in Him (anymore) and want nothing to do with Him, believe that they are entitled to answers from God. They demand accountability from God. That's the upside-down world, isn't it? The real question is how a righteous God can tolerate man's wrong choices.

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Why should I go to church?

A Christian is someone who has become a member of God's family because he put his trust in Jesus Christ. Another name for God's family is the "Church." The congregation is different from a church building. The Church is the great family of all people who belong to God—in heaven and on earth. A family in which all members are brothers and sisters by virtue of a family connection - not on the basis of flesh and blood but by the Holy Spirit, who fills us with love for Jesus and for each other.

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Why should I pray?

Prayer is the direct connection with God. Through prayer, God offers a line of communication with Him that is always open, day and night. Through prayer, you can ask God for advice, help and guidance anytime and anywhere.

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What about people who have never heard of Jesus?

Many people say they have difficulty with the exclusivity of the Christian faith — or of any faith for that matter. And say that they don't want to believe in a God who would hold billions of people, who have never heard of Him, responsible for not believing in Him, and send them to hell.

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