Why should I go to church?

A Christian is someone who has become a member of God's family because he put his trust in Jesus Christ. Another name for God's family is the "Church." The congregation is different from a church building. The Church is the great family of all people who belong to God—in heaven and on earth. A family in which all members are brothers and sisters by virtue of a family connection - not on the basis of flesh and blood but by the Holy Spirit, who fills us with love for Jesus and for each other.


The church is not a cult, nor a denomination such as Roman Catholic or Protestant. The church is a worldwide body of all people who put their trust in Jesus and follow Him, without distinction of skin color, background or intelligence.


There are numerous local congregations — Reformed, Reformed, Baptist, Evangelical, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal - to name a few - but those are only parts of the universal congregation. Being a Christian means that you not only belong to the universal church, but also to a local church.


It is actually foolish for a Christian to say that he or she is going "to church." A Christian is always in Church. What is meant by that, of course, is that you go to a local church to worship God.


The Christian faith is based on love, on a loving relationship. God loves us, which is why He sent Jesus. We love Him because He first loved us. We love each other because we belong to the one family of God and because He has poured out His love into our hearts.


If you truly want to follow Jesus, you will have a desire to worship God and come together with the other members of God's family to thank Him for all His love and kindness to you.


You will have a desire to learn more about Him and thus to listen to the explanations of the Bible. This is how your faith is strengthened. You will have a desire to pray with other Christians. You will have a desire to give money in support of God's work, in your own hometown and throughout the world.


The apostle Paul said that the church is a body, with Jesus as its head. The human body has numerous members – arms, legs, eyes, ears, etc. Each member is important and has a special task. That’s the same with the body of Christ, the church. Each member is important and has the task of making his or her specific contribution so that the whole body functions and grows properly. This means that every Christian is of vital importance to the whole congregation. No one is unimportant!