How can I know if God loves me?

Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, so that who ever believes in him, should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).  That's how great God's love for you is, you don't need more proof. God sent His son Jesus to die for you on the cross and to give you eternal life.


How do I know that Jesus is in my life?

"If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come to him..."(Revelation 3:30). When you have asked Jesus into your life, He gives you a number of firm promises. He says clearly and unequivocally, "I will come to him." Not: "Maybe I'll come in to those I think are good enough." Don't go by what you feel. When you have asked Him in, you can be absolutely sure that He has come in just because He says so. God always keeps his word.


How can I be sure that God is with me?

Jesus said, "I am with you until the end of time" (Matthew 28:20). You may not always feel that He is there, and you cannot see Him. But He is always with you, in every situation, because He has said so. We can be sure that He keeps His promises. One of the most beautiful promises Jesus ever made was: “No one who comes to Me is rejected by Me." You have been given to Jesus by the Father. You belong to Him now, not for a moment, but forever. There is no greater certainty than this.


How do I know that God forgives me?

God takes us as we are, only because of what Jesus did for us and not because of anything we could ever do. We cannot reach God by our own strength. Only the cross can bridge the gap between God and man. The way back to God is open to anyone who ceases to trust in his own goodness and puts all his trust in Jesus.


The cross tells us that God forgives all our sins for Jesus' sake. In his death, Jesus bore the full punishment that we have earned on the basis of our sins.


Anyone who puts his trust in Jesus no longer has to suffer God's judgment on his sins. The verdict is over. Jesus took over our guilt us on the cross. That's what He meant when He cried out, "It's finished!" The enormous debt of sin has been paid in full by Jesus Christ, once and for all. When we accept Jesus into our lives, we receive God's forgiveness. Every sin is extinguished. God promises not only to forgive our sins, but also to forget them, as if we never did them.


How can I overcome evil?

When you become a Christian, you do not become perfect. Also, our heavenly Father won't let you muddle through to try to make the best of it. You are now a child of God and He wants you to become more and more like Jesus. That is why He has given you His Spirit—the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit is not a vague, ghostly creature. He is a person in every way, although of course He does not have a body like us. He has reason and a will. He can love, lead, protect and help. He has great power and great authority, for He is God. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.


When you realized that you needed God, it was the Holy Spirit working in you. When you became a Christian, it was the Holy Spirit who led you to accept Jesus.


The Holy Spirit comes into your life when you open your heart to Jesus. He is the gift promised by Jesus to every Christian. Jesus himself is in heaven, but by his Spirit he lives and rules in the lives of his followers.